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Anti Ragging Committee

Ragging on campus is strictly prohibited. Any incidence of ragging is immediately acted upon and the guilty is liable to be dismissed from the institute. Click here for UGC Anti Ragging Regulations.

National Anti ragging Helpline Number (Tollfree): 1800-180-5522

The Institute Helpline numbers are as follows:

  1. Hostel 1 - 02114-669639
  2. Hostel 2 - 02114-669862
  3. Hostel 3 - 02114-669898
  4. Hostel 1 Warden - 9689644878
  5. Hostel 2 Warden - 7350137894
  6. Hostel 3 Warden - 8888716224
  7. Superintendent of Hostels - 9881772843

Police Station - 02114-202333


The institute has in place an Anti Ragging Committee to prevent any kind of ragging in the institute.

The committee members are:

Sr. No. Name Designation Contact Phone Email ID
1 Dr. Sanjeet Kanungo Principal +919011084737
2 Cdr. Sukanta Dasgupta (Retd.) Vice Principal - Student Affairs & Alumni +919326153544
3 Mr. Bhagwan N. Shevkar Representative of Civil Society +919890378242
4 Ms. Sunita Wahi Representative of NGO +919850221021
5 Mr. Rajkumar Roundhal Representative of parents +919011084750
6 Capt. Indranath Banerji Vice Principal - NS, Representative of Faculty +919890307550
7 Mr. Shailendra Kumar Vice Principal - ME, Representative of Faculty +919764562872
8 Ms. Shabana Shaikh Representative of Non Teaching Staff +919922680874
9 ICC Representative of Senior Students    
10 Batch Representative, 1st Year Representative of Fresher Students